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papa blackwater

The Father, and the Great Creator and the Chief Crew Cook. Papa Blackwater encourages best behaviour from his crew with firm yet gentle means. He was borne of the Essex Salt Marshes and was most happiest performing as Britains Premier Treasure Hunter, of 1869, when he was just 12 years old.

After the mysterious disappearance, memory lapse and reintroduction into society, he found it hard to cope; Consequently, despite several courses of Leeches, the impurities couldn’t be fixed. So, instead, “Fresh air and Vigorous Exercise” was prescribed, and this is how he ended up running away with the fair.


fair lady jackdaw

After attempting to recreate her own version of the Von Trapp Family but never quite managing to Von Trapp any suitable husbands, the Jackdaw flew away with the circus, which, in between having knives thrown at her and cracking whips at several unfortunate Victims, we mean, Volunteers, is casually snapped by the Paps at one of her favourite holiday destinations, the desirable Airbnb at Yardsville. Here she’s shown with some of her many offspring, all of which have names, but most of which she’s managed to forget.

What to do when you want to run away from the circus?

Run away with the fair, of course!

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Oooooh, she’s Cheeky! Oooo she’s Chattery! Oooo she’s our little darling Cherub and we love her, and so will you! Our Fair Lady Anna is a spinny roundy fasty whirlwind of delights. A Clever Capable Craftswoman and Rescue Piggy Mama, an Off-Grid Thriver Extraordinaire!

When she was dropped off on the bus from Poland she found herself quickly kidnapped (willingly) by the Blackwater Fairground Folk and fed all the Oceanic delights we could find. She liked it so much she decided to stay but her favourite bits are definitely kiedy tańczy z Morris Dancers!

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uncle brother simon the sailor

Simon the Sailor can be found violining. With noisy things. He also violins quite well! On his Fiddle, Double Bass, and basically whatever musical instrument you put before him. He’s also the most Serious Sailor in all the Seven Sea’s.. making his name early on by completing his first round the world Yatchmans Certificate in 1929 before it was even invented.

Being a sailor he once owned a Parrot Cockerell (we don’t know either, but we think it’s got a blueish tint to its untarnished plumage). The bird later told us Simon the Sailor kept calling her Steve GT Turbo and that’s why she flew away. To the bird Sanctuary.

To where do you run after you’ve ran away from the sea?

To the Bird Sanctuary, of course!


FAIR LAdies Dee-Anne and Ruby

When she’s not creating amazing pieces of nature based artwork, using ALL THE COLOURS, Fair Lady Dee-Anne can usually be spotted WEARING ALL THE COLOURS. When she’s not resting in her YUGE campervan with guess what - ALL THE COLOURS in it, and she’s not yomping through the wildlands of Essex, and not attending a party - you’ll find her hanging out with the Blackwater Fair, somewhere in between the swingboats and the cork shooter.

Our dearest and most beautifullist Fair Lady Ruby is our young mistress of the swingboats. She travelled with Papa Blackwater back in the days when no one else would. Not because he smelled bad, it’s just that Ruby was the only one he’d talk to. With a winning smile, dulcit tones and down to earth attitude she’s a guaranteed hit with kids all over. Including the grumpy grown up ones.


SOME BOYS we found

A couple of years ago Papa Blackwater found the loveliest boys who wanted to come and play fairs, now it seems we’ve sort of lost them somewhere, which is a shame because they did it really well, and were really ̶p̶r̶e̶t̶t̶y̶ I mean talented at working for the fair. Sometimes they will come back after being on far away adventures because we knows they loved it.

GALLERY IMAGES - courtesy of many happy mobile phone users and also professional photographers and artists, Dee-Anne Chey Markiewicz, Jonny Buffalo, Freya Jackdaw and Polly Alderton - Many thanks to all contributors.